proposed laws

PA Bill Number: HB829

Title: In preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;

Description: An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions;

Last Action: Signed in House

Last Action Date: Jul 3, 2024

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Another Mass Shooting [In Canada] You Won't Hear About :: 07/25/2018

There’s a mass shooting that happened within the last week. You haven’t heard about it. You would think that the left-wing media would be rejoicing at another chance to attack gun rights in our country, but they won’t touch this shooting with a 10-foot pole.

You’re very quickly going to see why this mass shooting hasn’t been on the news. It happened in Toronto. We’ll get into the other reasons this story doesn’t fit the liberal narrative in a minute, but let’s go ahead and cover the tragedy itself.

A few days ago, a man walked down the streets of Toronto and fired indiscriminately into crowds and shops. By the time he was done, 16 people had been shot and three were dead, including the killer. The two murdered victims were an 18-year old and a 10-year-old girl.

Police engaged the shooter before he was done. They exchanged fire and the shooter ultimately died. Authorities have not yet announced whether the shooter died from police gunfire or self-inflicted wounds.

It doesn’t take very long to summarize the tragedy. Local Canadian outlets have covered the story in detail, and it is as harrowing and disturbing as any mass shooting. What is perhaps scariest about this one is that the crowded streets of Canada contained no weapons to fight back.

Imagine the same even in the streets of Texas. That shooting wouldn’t last long. Regardless, there are plenty of reasons why American news agencies have left this alone.

Against the Narrative

It’s hard to say which detail is the most untouchable for liberal media. It could be that the shooting happened in Canada, a place with even more “common sense” gun control than mainstream liberals are trying to install in the U.S.

It might also be that the shooter’s last name is Hussein. While Canadian authorities have found no links to known terror groups, this shooter doesn’t fit the white male narrative that our media outlets love so much.

There’s also the fact that the shooter only had one weapon. It was a handgun, and it had a magazine capacity of fewer than 10 rounds. That didn’t stop the shooter from reloading multiple times. It never afforded the unarmed citizens a chance to defend themselves. All they could do was take cover and hope for the best. Oh yeah, the weapon was also illegally obtained.

Perhaps the most damning detail of this shooting is that the killer had a well-documented history of mental health problems. He was diagnosed more than a year prior to this shooting, and he had received professional help every step of the way.

That proves two things at once. First, it’s definitely a mental health issue. Second, banning the mentally ill from owning weapons doesn’t do a damn thing.

Here’s where things get even more frustrating. Canada has no need for American liberalism to have a stupid reaction to a tragic event. In fact, they typically find our left-wing media to be too conservative for their tastes. This boils down to something simple. Every single component of this crime was already illegal. Despite that, Canada’s response is to call for more gun control.

Here’s where things stand right now. Every gun in Canada is in a registry. Owning a gun requires acquiring a permit that has to be renewed every five years. That renewal process comes with a criminal and mental health background check, training requirements and verification of safe storage. With all of those laws, gun crime in Toronto has risen dramatically over the past year.

So, since there has been a mass shooting, Canadian leadership wants to limit the number of firearms any one person can own. The mayor believes there is no reason anyone should have 20 firearms in their possession. This lunacy seems to assume that owning extra guns somehow gives a shooter the extra arms they would need to operate them all. It’s insanity at its finest. And, of course, this mass shooter only had one illegal gun in the first place.

What this really shows us is that the liberal mentality is incapable of assessing reality. They are genuinely afraid of inanimate objects. If not, they would understand that a gun without an operator is perfectly harmless. Instead of fearing (or even condemning) shooters, they go after the tool. It’s a perfect example of why we can’t trust them to ever apply rational problem solving to an issue.